Bearing Fruit for the Kingdom

In today's world, it is easy to get distracted from building God's kingdom and focusing instead on our own goals and outcomes. We can become so focused on achieving success in our own lives that we forget the mission of the Church: to bring glory to God through spreading His love and grace throughout the world. This distraction can manifest itself in different ways, such as neglecting prayer or worship, disregarding biblical teachings, or overlooking opportunities for service and outreach. Consequently, it is important for us to remain mindful of how easily we can be diverted from following God’s plan for us. By recognizing these distractions when they arise and making a conscious effort to refocus our attention back onto serving Him faithfully, we will be able to build up His kingdom with greater purpose and dedication.

We can be distracted from the best by doing the good in many ways. When we put too much emphasis on our successes or accomplishments, it can lead us to ignore God’s call for our lives and instead focus on what we want or think is best.

This could manifest itself through neglecting the spiritual health of the congregation in favor of focusing on numerical growth. This can lead to an emphasis on activities that bring people in but do not necessarily foster a deeper understanding and relationship with God. For example, church members might put more energy into hosting community events or having impressive worship services than into studying the Bible and understanding God’s character.

Additionally, we can be distracted from our purpose by neglecting opportunities to serve others in need. When we put too much emphasis on our own lives, needs, and desires, we may miss out on chances to share God’s love with those around us in practical ways. We may also be tempted to put a greater focus on our own physical health and material possessions than on building up spiritual strength and resources.

By recognizing these potential distractions, we can keep ourselves focused on what matters most: bringing glory to God by following His plan for us. We can do this by putting Him first in all things, actively seeking opportunities to serve, and remembering that nothing we do should take away from our primary mission of being a reflection of God’s love and grace to the world.

Churches often become inwardly focused, trying to build their kingdom instead of God's. As pastors and church revitalizers, it is important that we remember whose kingdom are we really building. Are we trying to advance God's kingdom or our own? To make sure our efforts are in line with God's desires, we need to constantly be reminded of what the Bible says about His plans for us. As we read and reflect on scripture, may we be guided by the Holy Spirit in all that we do as we serve Him and His church.

Whose Kingdom are we building? God’s or ours? If we are honest, most of us would have to admit that we often build our lives and ministries around our own kingdom goals. We can be so busy achieving our own objectives that we unknowingly leave God out of the picture.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 that we should seek God's kingdom first. This means that if we want to honor Him, we must prioritize God and His will for our lives above any plans or ambitions of our own. We must strive to put God’s kingdom before all else, even if it might be difficult at times.

By keeping our focus on God’s kingdom and His desires, we can ensure that our efforts are in line with His will. We must make an effort to read scripture daily and ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with wisdom as we seek to build up His Kingdom. This way, we can be sure that everything we do is in accordance with God’s plan for us and will ultimately bring glory to Him.

In conclusion, while it may be easy to get distracted from our purpose as Christians if we stay focused on what matters most—seeking God’s kingdom first—we can ensure that our efforts are bearing fruit and bringing glory to Him.

Pastors can easily become distracted by the pressures of numbers and the ever-present pressure of growing their church. Understand that everything belongs to God and that it is His Kingdom that everything is done for and not our own kingdom. Let’s focus on building His Kingdom and not our own. What does it mean to build God’s Kingdom? It means living a life that is focused on glorifying God and making Him known to others. It means being obedient to His Word and His will for our lives. It means sacrificially serving others and meeting needs.

Fruit bearing is a way to measure the success of building God's Kingdom because it demonstrates that His Word and will have been obeyed and carried out as He intended. Fruit bearing is the evidence that His Kingdom-building work has been done in earnest. When we bear fruit, it shows that we have chosen to trust in Him and obey His commands.

In this way, our mission as Christians is to build and expand God’s Kingdom here on earth by carrying out His will and obeying His Word. By doing this, we will be able to bring glory to Him and make Him known to those around us. Let us all remember that the Kingdom of God should be our first priority and that everything else should be secondary to it. By keeping focused on God’s will for us and His plans for His Kingdom, we can ensure that our lives bring glory to Him. Lives being transformed bring them into the light from the darkness. Families being restored, brokenness being healed to wholeness, and people that had lost their way finding the path that God intends for them.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that we are called to build God’s kingdom first and foremost. We must be vigilant in recognizing the distractions of our own desires and recognize opportunities for service and outreach. By being mindful of these things, we can stay focused on following God's plan for us with greater purpose and dedication. The key is to put Him first in all things, actively seek out chances to serve others, and always strive towards a life that reflects His love and grace. Let us commit ourselves today to building up God’s Kingdom with passion so that He may be glorified through our actions!


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