We can help equip you to grow your church's impact and your own effectiveness as a leader-helping you to successfully align vision, strategy, team and action.
Revitalization Coaching Process
We will guide you in evaluating the strategic areas of being a healthy pastor, church, and community. This is done with various assessment tools and with one-on-one and group discussion. This step of engagement looks to where you are in relation to your context.
Pastoral coaching releases ALL of who we are and who we are created to be.
Church engagement is about getting people involved.
Community engagement consist of the church embodying the whole gospel, it must recognize the assets, struggles, or liabilities of its surrounding community.
We will help guide you in identifying helpful tools and best practices for areas in need of increased leadership, church, and community health. Equipping is the most crucial element of the process. The church must develop a strategy for implementation of plan.
Plan your work and work your plan.
providing theologically sound, practical training materials that can be used by pastors.
Equipping is discipling. We will help train and equip churches to build disciples in and out of the local church.
We will help evaluate community needs, and opportunities for the local church to serve in their local mission field.
We will walk beside you over a sustained period of time as a guide for encouragement and accountability.
Through the process of prayer, engagement, and equipping the pastor will be ready to implement the action that God has revealed to them, through the revitalization process, in their spirits.
Three areas of empowerment will be imparted through the network: the granting of authority to go forth; providing resources and raw materials; and giving the education and training necessary to use the authority and resources properly and effectively.
Partnering with community leaders filling the gaps through local involvement.
This is the most exciting part. We will celebrate with you and your church in the victories achieved, big and small. The church will live true revitalization and transformation when the church is being the hands, feet, and heart of Christ lived out all around them. Releasing members into the community that are inspired and empowered for a lifetime of service and ministry to change the world that they live in is the goal and intended purpose of God for His Church.