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Episode 20 - Elaine Briefman Part 2
It is important that pastors have strong mental health to lead well within their families, congregations and community.
Season 1 Episode 17 - Rhonda Mathisen - part 2
Experiencing the manifest presence of God in your church
Season 1 Episode 16 - Rhonda Mathisen - Part 1
Talking with Rhonda Mathisen about her book “Desparate” and the need for the manifest presence of God in our churches today.
Season 1 Episode 15 - Size of the church does not determine the effectiveness
Season 1 Episode 15 - Size of the church does not determine the effectiveness
Season 1 Episode 14 - Putting actions to our words
Taking the vision, mission, and startegy that God has given us and putting it to action
Season 1 Episode 13 - Witnessing is our Privilege and Responsiblity
We have a wonderful privielege and responsiblity to witness to others that do not know Christ for the furtherance of the Kingdom. It is when we no longer do this that the church begins to suffer.
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Putting our money where our mouth is
Funding the mission of God in our local churches.
Season 1 Episode 11 - Dr. Tod Bolsinger - Tempered Resilance
Dr. Tod Bolsinger - Tempered Resilance. Talks about how the pastor has to go through the fire and shaping of the blacksmiths heat to be able to lead well.
Season 1 Episode 10 - Implementing the Strategy
Taking the vision and mission God has given you and creating a strategy for implementing action plans
Season 1 Episode 9 - Working out the mission God has given you
Can your church answer the question, what is your church trying to do? Who is your church trying to reach?
Does your church have a concise mission statement that defines your why and how?
Season 1 Episode 8 - Receiving the Vision of God for your Church
Receiving the vision that God wants for your church in your context
Season 1 Episode 7: Dr. Tod Bolsinger, Canoeing the Mountains
Building leaders during uncharted Territory. Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. While they had prepared to find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean, instead they found themselves in the Rocky Mountains. You too may feel that you are leading in a cultural context you were not expecting. You may even feel that your training holds you back more often than it carries you along.
Season 1 Episode 5: Recognizing the Need for Revitalization
Probably the hardest thing for us to do is to look at ourselves and to examine and recognize that we need help. That is one of the toughest things to admit. The same goes for the churches that we serve.
Season 1 Episode 4: Am I the One to Lead This Revitalization Effort
I imagine this question has ran across the mind and lips of just about every pastor and leader that has ever found themselves in the place of revitalization at one time or another. “Am I really the one to lead this revitalization effort?” The answer is yes, with God’s help.
Season 1 Episode 3: Smoldering Embers to Revival Fire
The Rural Revitalization Network is committed to encouraging pastors, churches, and communities throughout rural America to Engage, Equip, and Empower through local resources to build God’s church. Rural churches are still at the heart of God’s plan, and remains relevant to the call, worthy of our effort to help, and we stand committed with each pastor, church, and community to win the lost for Christ.
Season 1 Episode 2: Waiting for the waters to recede
The Rural Revitalization Network is committed to encouraging pastors, churches, and communities throughout rural America to Engage, Equip, and Empower through local resources to build God’s church. Rural churches are still at the heart of God’s plan, and remains relevant to the call, worthy of our effort to help, and we stand committed with each pastor, church, and community to win the lost for Christ.
Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome to the Network
The Rural Revitalization Network is committed to encouraging pastors, churches, and communities throughout rural America to Engage, Equip, and Empower through local resources to build God’s church. Rural churches are still at the heart of God’s plan, and remains relevant to the call, worthy of our effort to help, and we stand committed with each pastor, church, and community to win the lost for Christ.