Discipleship and Evangelism Have Taken a Back Seat In Churches Needing Revitalization?

At the risk of offending someone that reads this I am going to tell you the truth… churches that are declining and dying are because they have drifted from the first responsiblities of a church. Those responsiblies are making Christlike disciples and sharing the gospel with lost souls. Discipleship and evangelism are two of the most important aspects of Christianity. Many churches have not really placed these aspects in a central role. They still focus on the sermon and much of their time is spent teaching about basic Christian principles. While this has its place, it does not help disciple new believers or spread the gospel message in any great way.

Churches need to get back to the basics of discipleship and evangelism if they want to see true growth and renewal. Discipleship should be a central focus because it helps new believers understand what it means to follow Christ. It also gives them the tools they need to grow in their faith and share their faith with others. Evangelism, on the other hand, is critical because we need to continuously share the gospel message with those who have yet to hear it.

There are many ways that churches can develop strong discipleship and evangelism programs. One option is to create small groups where believers have the opportunity to meet regularly and discuss their faith journey. Another idea is to offer classes, workshops, or seminars that focus on the core principles of discipleship and evangelism.

In the end, it is up to each church to determine how they want to approach discipleship and evangelism. But if we truly want to see our churches grow and flourish, it is essential that these two aspects are prioritized and given the attention that they deserve.

There is no doubt that discipleship and evangelism are important components of Christianity, and it is critical for congregations to devote resources to them in order to develop effectively. There are various strategies for churches to build effective discipleship and evangelism programs. And when these programs are given the attention they deserve, we will see our churches thrive like never before and true revitalization occurs.

Too often, these two aspects are neglected in churches. It is time to get back to the basics and make discipleship and evangelism a central focus once again. Only then will we be able to truly grow and reach our full potential as Christians. There are many reasons why this happens, but one of the main reasons is a lack of understanding about what discipleship and evangelism actually are.

What is discipleship? Discipleship is the process of training and equipping believers to follow Christ. It involves teaching them how to grow in their faith and sharing their faith with others. Living life along side another believer to show them what it is to live as Christ in their life. Discipleship is living life together. A son imitates his father in everything he does to be like him more each day. The son does everything the father does, says, and acts. One day all these things will prepare the son till he has his own son to teach him. This is the meaning and importance of discipleship.

What is evangelism? Evangelism is the act of sharing the gospel message with those who have not yet heard it. It is our responsibility as Christians to spread the good news about Jesus Christ so that others may come to know him as their Savior. The goal is to disciple them to be followers of Christ.

Another reason that discipleship and evangelism have taken a back seat is because it takes effort on the part of the church member to do something. For them this just takes too much effort and resources to commit to. The majority of people are just comfortable with where they are at. They don't want to be bothered or have their routine messed with to do something for someone else. It is easier for them to just go about things the way they always have.

The good news is that there are churches out there who are getting back to the basics and making discipleship and evangelism a priority. These churches are seeing amazing results as they are growing and reaching more people for Christ. It is time for other churches to follow suit and make discipleship and evangelism a priority once again.

If we want to see our churches grow and reach their full potential, we need to put more emphasis on discipleship and evangelism. These two aspects are essential to the health and growth of any congregation. When they are given the attention they deserve, we will see our churches thrive like never before.

What does it take to be a church on mission discipling and evangelizing? It takes effort. It takes a willingness to change. It takes a willingness to put others before ourselves. But most of all, it takes a love for God and a love for people. When we've achieved these goals, we'll be able to maximize our Christian potential and watch our congregations expand.

The need for churches to have a plan and strategy to reach, teach, and baptize new believers is essential. Next is the need for them to be intentional in their approach. Both of these aspects are essential if churches want to see tangible growth and renewal. However, due to their constant presence, it's easy to forget about them. If we want to see our churches flourish, this must change.

Discipleship is not just about learning theological concepts or attending Bible studies - it's about following Jesus Christ and becoming like Him. Evangelism is not just about preaching to people or handing out tracts - it's about sharing the gospel with love and compassion

Both discipleship and evangelism should be central to the life of every Christian church. You can’t be a disciple without being an evangelist. And for sure, the opposite is true. You can’t be an evangelist without being a disciple. But somehow many people would rather be disciples without being evangelists. And sadly, many churches would rather be evangelistic without being discipleship oriented.

There are a number of strategies that churches can use to build effective discipleship and evangelism programs. One popular approach is creating small groups where believers have the opportunity to meet regularly and discuss their faith journey. These groups can be comprised of people from various backgrounds and stages in their faith journey, which provides a unique opportunity for discipleship and evangelism to take place.

Another strategy is to develop relationships with those who are not yet part of the church. This can be done through simple acts of kindness or by inviting them to participate in church activities. As these relationships develop, there will be natural opportunities to share the gospel message and help them grow in their faith.

Some churches also place a strong emphasis on training and equipping believers to share their faith effectively. This can involve offering classes or workshops that teach important skills like how to answer common objections, how to start conversations about faith, and how to share your personal testimony. These types of programs can help empower believers to be effective evangelists and disciples in their own lives.

Ultimately, if churches want to see lasting transformation and renewal in their communities, they must prioritize discipleship and evangelism. Without these two key components of the Christian faith, there is little hope for true transformation to take place. But with a commitment to discipleship and evangelism, churches can be powerful agents of change in the world around them.


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