Don’t let Your Small Church Miss the Opportunity

I grew up in a rural church in Salt Rock, West Virginia's backcountry. Looking back, it was a significant occasion that I had not fully appreciated at the time. It was a place where my Papa Herman, was a charter member and preacher. It wasn't anything spectacular; there were no stained glass or colored lights to boast about, and the carpet had seen better days, but it had something special about it.

While it may not have been the most extravagant church, it was a place where God's presence was always felt. It was a community of faith that loved and supported one another through thick and thin. In today's world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and lose sight of what is truly important. But, I believe that the small church has the opportunity to be a light in the darkness and a source of hope for many.

The small church has the ability to reach people in a way that larger churches cannot. They are able to build relationships and offer vital support, especially in rural areas. I encourage you not to give up on your small church. It may not be perfect, but it has the potential to make a big impact on the lives of those around it.

While city churches and mega-churches get a lot of attention, small church is often overlooked. But I believe that the small church has a lot to offer. They can build close relationships and offer vital support, especially in rural areas. I encourage you not to give up on your small church.

The sanctuary of that church was probably smaller than most fellowship halls in other places. The Church was small, and the town was small (the sign leading into town on one side said welcome to Salt Rock, and the other side of the sign said, come back and see us), but that was alright. There are things that God can do in small churches that are difficult to do in a larger congregation.

In that small church, people trusted and believed enough in God that they did the things that came naturally to them; they believed and obeyed God when He moved on the people. They had the unapologetic faith to read and respond to God’s word because it was real to them. I remember services were nothing short of “Heaven coming down” on the congregation that moved us to worship that flowed and glorified God with every ounce of our being. Services were the Spirit of God moved so mightily that worship broke out with the opening prayer, and nothing else happened except praise, glory, and honor to the One True King!

There was so much more than singing and worship alone; souls were being saved and transformed, not just occasionally, but continually — people surrendering all so that they could be conformed to the image of Christ the King. Souls snatched from the flames of Hell, released from the bondage of addictions, and delivered from every sort of darkness. It was a small church, but it was a powerful church! If your small church is feeling insignificant or unimportant, I encourage you to remember the impact that you can make. You may not have all the bells and whistles of the big churches, but you have something special — the ability to build close relationships and offer vital support. Don't give up on your small church. It has the potential to make a big impact on the lives of those around it.

This small Church of fewer than 100 people was remarkable for its unity among members. They were a Christ-centric body of believers, joined together by love. Jesus said that they, (the onlooking world), will know you are My disciples by following My commandments and that you have a passion for one another. (John 13:34-35) This Church had that passion for one another. If you want to make an impact for Christ, be passionate about the people He has placed in your life. It’s not easy, but it is rewarding! Today, the small rural Church that is shining the light brightly and proudly is the exception and not the norm.

What is different now? The culture that we live in now is different than it was 50 years ago. But, is that a convenient excuse to be found doing nothing in our congregations?  The truth is that the Gospel has not changed and neither has the mandate to take that Gospel into all the world. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. The Church is still responsible for taking the message of hope to a lost and dying world.

The question then becomes, what is our excuse for not being the light of the world? We can no longer claim that we are too small or too poor. We cannot say that we do not have enough resources. The reason that we are not having the impact that we should have is that we have allowed the love of Christ to grow cold in our hearts.

According to the 2017 stats that the Church of the Nazarene reports in the USA/Canada, 75% of all Nazarene churches are 99 people or less in average worship. Even more reflective of the churches is that of those, 47% are 50 people or less in USA/Canada.

We live in a Post-Christian era where there is a loss of the primacy and importance of the Christian worldview in public affairs. Especially in the Western world where Christianity had previously flourished, in favor of alternative worldviews such as secularism, nationalism, environmentalism, and combative atheism along with many others.

The Church must take seriously the words of Jesus when He said that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-16) We cannot let our light grow dim or flicker out because it is in these dark times that our light is needed most of all.

The small church can have a big impact if we are intentional about being the light of Christ to a lost and dying world. We must be passionate about the people that God has placed in our lives and be willing to share the Gospel with them. Let us not grow cold in our love for Christ, but let us be fiery witnesses for Him in these dark times.

For far too long, the small rural Church has placed itself in a posture of protection and defense from the culture around it. The Church is called, regardless of size, to “Go” and engage neighborhoods with the gospel in a new and vibrant way. Psalms 1:3 states, “He (Church) shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he (Church) does shall prosper.”

“Being A small rural church does not mean death or impotence but possibility and opportunity.” - Mark Clifton

The small rural church can be an outstanding example of Christ in its communities. However, we must deliberately strive to show Christ's love to those around us. We must not allow our light to go out or grow dim because it is then that our light is most important. Let us be passionate about the individuals whom God has placed in our lives and ready to share the Gospel with them. Let us not become cold in our devotion to Christ, but let us be fiery advocates for Him during these trying times.

If a church, regardless of size, is not engaging the community outside its walls, then they are missing the opportunity for God to do mighty and powerful works and deeds.

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

I have been able to see awe and wonder in my rural Church, where I have pastored for nearly seven years now. I have witnessed God move in amazing ways that leave people seeing His mighty hand over us. Most importantly, seeing lives being saved and transformed into the image of King Jesus.

Being a small and/or rural church does not mean death or impotence but possibility and opportunity. You are in an area where you probably know your neighbor’s brokenness and discouragement even more intimately. You have a more significant chance to pull up close to hurting people and introduce them to the God that loves and heals.

A church does not have to have a grand scheme or plan laid out on how to do the work of the Kingdom…The King does. Just trust the Holy Spirit to guide you one obedient step at a time. The beautiful thing about it is that we don’t have to worry about where we are going, because if we follow each step one at a time, we will always end up where He wants us, guaranteed.

So often, we want to see the whole staircase before we take the first step. We want a ten-year plan, but God is saying, “Take the first step of obedience today and trust Me for tomorrow.”

God always shows up and does what only He can do when His people engage with the community around them.

Be the light in your community, and let your light shine! Don't miss out on the opportunity.


Embracing the Small and Rural church


God Gives the Dream