Making the RIght Choices Even in a Crisis

Have you ever noticed certain leaders that have the uncanny sense of making the right decisions even in the toughest of situations? It seems that dispite the severity or seriousness of any crisis that may arise they always seem to know the solution. Problems never paralyze truely great leaders. They know that to any problem or situation there is always a solution that exist.

There are certain characteristics that exist in leaders like this. The bible shows that Joseph was one of those leaders because he enjoyed certain traits and abilities. Some of those traits are being able to maintain your composure, think clearly and stay focus under pressure. When you have the ability to make good decisions in a crisis it sets you up for success as a leader.

So how can you develop this trait? How can you become a leader that is known for making the right choices even in the most difficult of times?

Develop a relationship with God. When you have a close relationship with God you will be able to hear His voice more clearly. You will be better equipped to make wise decisions because you will have the mind of Christ. Scripture says that "the Lord was with" Joseph. This is why Joseph was able to make the right decisions even in a crisis.

Prayer is also key in developing this ability. When you pray, you are asking God for wisdom. As you spend time in prayer, you will begin to develop a greater sense of discernment. You will be better able to see things from God's perspective and make wise choices. The ability to make the right choices in a crisis is not something that is developed overnight. It takes time, prayer, and practice. But if you are committed to becoming a leader who can handle any situation, you can develop this ability. With God's help, you can make the right choices even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Have a significant vision from God. At a very young age Joseph knew that God had something laid out special just for him. You may not always understand the complete details of the call but you can be sure when God does call that He has plans that only you can fulfill. What God calls you to do is always going to be challenging. It will take boldness, strength, and courage but it will also be worth it in the end.

Be humble and teachable. No matter how great Joseph’s vision was he still had to go through the process of being taught and trained. He didn’t start out as the leader of Egypt, he had to work his way up and prove himself first. Even when he was in charge he was still learning and growing. We see this when Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him and he ended up in prison. While there he learned how to interpret dreams and gained a reputation for being able to do so. Because he was teachable and had a good reputation he was eventually called out of prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dream.

study and learn from other great leaders. Look at their lives and see what made them successful. The Scriptures are full of such heros of the faith. Read books and articles about them. Many of them have left behind a wealth of knowledge that can help you on your journey to becoming a great leader.

Develop your own personal convictions. What do you believe? What are your values? When you know what you stand for you will be better equipped to make decisions that align with your convictions. You will also be less likely to give in to pressure or temptation. Joseph knew what he believed and he was unwilling to compromise his values even when it would have been easier to do so. It is easier to say no to things that may seem good when your yes is stronger and planted deep inside of you.

Practical boots on the ground life experiences. Joseph went through a lot of stuff from the hands of his brothers and from others that did not have his best interest at heart. It is through these rough times that helped him to hone his experiences to make him a better leader. He also became more efficient in the abilities he did have. Be confident in your abilities. When you are confident in your abilities, you will be better able to make decisions in a crisis. You will trust your instincts and be able to act quickly and decisively. Joseph was confident in his ability to interpret dreams and this is why he was able to do so successfully. The ability to make the right choices in a crisis is a trait that can be developed. With God's help, you can become a leader who is known for making wise decisions even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Making the right choices in a crisis is not always easy but it is possible. By developing a relationship with God, studying other great leaders, developing your own personal convictions and honing yourself through life experiences you can become a leader that is known for making wise decisions even in the most difficult of times. In four different occassions the bible tells of God blessing him with some version of, "whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper." (Gen. 39:2, 3, 21, 23).


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