More Than Anything

What is it in your life that you would want to do more than anything else? And at the same time ask, what in your churches life that you would want more than anything?


Read Psalm 131…like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.

Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.


"A nursing child, held by its mother, is highly aware of the milk she can offer and will squirm and cry if denied. A child who has been 'weaned' (verse 2), however, and no longer nurses, is content to just be with its mother, enjoying her closeness and love without wanting anything else."


"We so often approach God only for what He can give, rather than simply to rest in His presence." If we are not on the guard in our churches, we also can get distracted by the blessings that we receive that we forget the source and from where all blessings flow…and that is the Father Himself.


In seasons when I'm anxiously waiting for an answer to prayer, I bring my need before the Lord daily.

it's easy for me to become so focused on God meeting my need that I view Him as a Genie who's supposed to grant my wishes and not as my Father who wants a relationship with me. Our churches are no different or immune to these same tendencies in our congregational services. We must be diligent to keeping our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith.


One of the biggest signs that my relationship with God is no longer a priority, and instead getting His gifts is, is when my attitude shifts from trust to resentment. When I'm resting in my Father's loving heart toward me, I can more easily trust Him with the details of my situation. Then, with a trusting heart, I can enjoy His presence in perfect peace, knowing that He's working in ways I can't see. But when I focus on that unanswered prayer, on what I think I'm "owed," I grow fearful, resentful, entitled, and angry that He hasn't given me what I want. For a church that has moved away from the relationship to the receiving then entitlement becomes the attitude of the service.


[What is the result of this attitude] I read the Bible less, pray less, and spend less time talking to Him throughout the day. I go from wanting Him to wanting what He can give me. May the church also caution ourselves from this destructive attitude within their ranks.


Natalie Grant sings a song “More than anything,” In that song she talks about how Jesus is the most important person in her life.

·         Help me want the Healer, More than the healing.

·         Help me want the Savior, More than the saving.

·         Help me want the Giver, More than the giving.

·         Oh, help me want You, Jesus, More than anything.

Churches that keep the first things first don’t lose sight of where every blessing comes from and that is the fruitful and faithful children of God that long to be in the Presence of God above all else in their lives.


Peter was asked by The Resurrected Jesus “do you love me more than these?”  What are the these? John 21:15




Crazy Love bible study


Be The Church


Do we possess a Love worth having!