Numbering Our Days
By the time Moses penned this psalm, he was in the twilight of his life, the weight of years of leading, teaching, and carrying the responsibility of the Nation of Isreal was heavy upon him. With each passing moment, he reflected on the fleeting nature of existence, realizing that life, as Fleeting as a breath, slips away in an instant. In the exuberance of youth, the days stretch on endlessly, yet in the twilight of our days, they Disappear swiftly like the wind. And yet, to an eternal and transcendent God, time Holds no influence or power. To Him, a thousand years, Moses discerned, is but a mere whisper in the vast expanse of divine eternity.
The swift rhythm and brevity of life, however, should not be a source of despair, but rather an opportunity for wisdom. Moses, in his quest for understanding, implored God: "Teach us to recognize the significance of each passing day." His intention was not to simply tally them in succession, but to appreciate the value of each individual moment, so that none may be squandered. Life is not merely measured by the number of days we live, but rather by the quality and significance of each of those days. It's about cherishing each moment, making them count, and creating meaningful experiences that leave a lasting impact.
Equally, churches, as collective bodies of believers, must also cultivate this intentional awareness towards the fleeting nature of time. Each passing moment is an opportunity endowed by God to make a difference in our congregations and communities. These precious moments, if wisely seized, can become avenues of spiritual growth, compassion, and change. We should recognize that every sermon preached, every prayer offered, and every act of love extended, no matter how small, contributes to the eternal narrative that God is weaving. By being intentional with our time, we not only honor God but also invest in the lives around us, sowing seeds of faith, hope, and love. As the body of Christ, let us be mindful not to squander these divine opportunities, but rather, capitalize on them to make each moment count, and in doing so, truly gain a heart of wisdom.
With a sense of frantic busyness, some people feel compelled to fill up each moment of each day with as much activity as possible, but this isn't the model of life Jesus gave us. He lived each moment with the certainty that His life counted, and he made choices to speak, work, rest, and to engage others because His heart was focused on the Father's will, not some arbitrary standard of achievement.
As a church and as individuals we need to live a life that beautifully embodies the same attitude as Jesus. Our existence should neither be hurried nor irrelevant. Every moment and every interaction should be imbued with purpose and meaning, reflecting our unwavering faith and dedication to God's plan. We can not measure our lives by the calendar's pages, but by the heartbeats of love, acts of kindness, and seeds of faith we sow in others. We need to understand that each day is a divine gift from God to be used wisely and purposefully. Our actions, words, and choices should not be compelled by societal standards but be led by the Father's will. Live each day fully aware of its significance, leaving an indelible impact on those around you, just as Jesus did. In doing so, we can beautifully exemplify the essence of the psalmist's prayer: to number our days, gaining a heart of wisdom.
Love God with An undeniable passion that permeates the air. A love that radiates from us and touches everyone we encounter. Pursue God with all your heart, embody His teachings, and mirror His boundless love in our actions. Our lives can't be centered around our desires, but rather the love and will of God. View every interaction as an opportunity to demonstrate God's love, seizing each moment to plant seeds of faith and love in others. Whether it is a kind word, a warm smile, an act of charity, or a moment of prayer, our actions should reflect our profound love for God. Even more so, we should have a fervent desire for others to experience God's love in the way we do. Don't browbeat or quilt others with your beliefs, but use your life as a living testament to God's love, a beacon to those seeking spiritual solace. In your daily interactions, you can gently and silently sow the seeds of curiosity in people's hearts, inspiring them to seek and experience God's love for themselves.
Life is short, but it's full of meaning, love, and hope if we number our days and live them for Christ instead of wasting them on empty pursuits and repetitive programs. With him in the center of our lives, we can rest, laugh, work hard, serve, and engage people in conversations that matter. That's what Jesus did. we can too.
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." What would the fruit of a heart of wisdom look like in your life and in your church's life?
Time stands still for no man or woman, what will you do with it?