One Thing

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

It could be easily said that Paul was one of the greatest leaders of the New Testament church, but he didn't pound his chest about it or was in any way cocky about it. He knew all along that he was still a work in progress. Paul devoted every moment of his waking hours to founding churches, overseeing leaders, and sharing the gospel with all who knew its power. Yet he chose to summarize what was key in one succinct phrase: "one thing." Zig Ziglar said that in today's management terms, we would say that he devoted himself to "the rigorous commitment to a singular objective" that has two distinctive parts not dwelling on the past but reaching ahead to achieve the vision of the future.

Paul was the master of this “singular objective.” He didn’t let anything stop him from reaching his goal, which he identified as the call of God in Christ Jesus. In other words, Paul was not going to let anything distract him from living a life devoted to following and serving Jesus Christ.

Paul was aware that our past can impede us in two distinct avenues: For some, feelings of guilt over our previous mistakes or failed enterprises tend to linger and haunt us. The weight of our grief and the worry that we could fall into a similar blunder again casts its shadow on every decision we make.

Conversely, there are some who remain entrenched in the past due to the success they have had. They continually live their lives in a state of nostalgia, unable to move forward and experience something new or different. These people continually live in the long past glories. Both scenarios constrain us and limit our options, creating a mental blockade that requires the power of the Holy Spirit to break through it.

In the past, they enjoyed stunning success, but instead of using their gains as a foundation from which to launch future growth, they keep reliving those memories over and over. We must strive to move beyond our past, both the successes and failures alike, in order to remain focused on living life to its fullest. Paul says, "Forget the past and move on."

Paul's message to us is that, no matter what the circumstance, we must keep pushing forward and focus on the goal of following Jesus. This will require us to set aside our past accomplishments and failures, pressing onward with an eye toward eternity. To reach our destination, we have to remain vigilant in this pursuit—cultivating a life that is centered on Jesus and his transformative power.

In which direction should we move? We should reach forward to fulfill the vision God has for us. The call of God in Christ Jesus is ultimately the prize, and we must remain devoted to it until the end. We must let go of our past, continually striving toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Focusing on the "one thing." This is what Paul did and this is what he wanted us to do as well. By doing so, we can experience the joy and peace of living our lives in pursuit of God's will for us. One that has a positive impact on people and expands the Kingdom.

This is our “singular objective or one thing”—to follow Jesus with all that we are and to strive for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. As believers, let us continue forward with courage and resilience, remembering that our prize is an eternity with Him. May the grace of Jesus be with us all. May God bless you as you strive to reach your ultimate goal in Christ Jesus. Let us continue to pray for one another, encouraging each other and helping each other along the way.

Ike Reighard said it well, "The day our memories become larger than our dreams is the day our soul begins to shrink."


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