Rescue Us!
"Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved." Three pivotal points guide our supplication:
1. Revive Our Hearts: We pray earnestly for a spiritual revival that starts within the depths of our hearts. "Restore us, O God," not merely in our circumstances, but in our very spirit and in all truth. May this restoration align our desires with His purpose, setting ablaze our zeal for His Kingdom.
We align ourselves through sincere searching prayer seeking the Fathers heart.
With conviction, we implore His transformative power to renew our passion for the Gospel. A passion that is on fire. You might think that sounds awfully Pentecostal, or Charismatic, but we need something to kick us in the rear and get us going. And we need our commitment to His calling to be unwavering and resolute.
Turn Our Direction: In the King James Version, the scripture captures the hearts of believers with the phrase, "Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts." It is a powerful call for God to refocus our paths and our pursuits. We seek alignment with His divine compass, acknowledging that only through His guidance can we navigate the tumultuous seas of life.
[think of us as being children or toddlers that need the Father to take our little faces and turn them towards Him]
As we stand at the crossroads of decisions and the precipice of change, let us boldly ask our Father to turn our faces toward His radiant light, that every shadow of doubt is dispelled, and our journey is marked by His unwavering direction.
As the ancient mariner relied on the North Star to navigate treacherous waters, so must we look to the Almighty to chart our course in this modern world fraught with uncertainty and spiritual storms.
The Israelites of old turned to God in their distress, seeking His face for direction, guidance, and restoration—so too must the contemporary church echo that elemental need for divine navigation. We face myriad challenges that attempt to veer us off the path of righteousness: cultural shifts, moral relativism, and the subtle encroachment of worldly philosophies. Yet, our compass should remain the same—unchanging and true.
It behooves us to gather with fervency, like the great assembly of Israel, to seek the Lord's intervention, to earnestly implore, "Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved." In this collective supplication, we affirm that our direction, purpose, and very essence are found in the abiding presence and sovereignty of God. Let our cries for guidance be as ardent as the psalmist's, trusting that our God who steered the nation of Israel to redemption, remains ever ready to lead His church to the glory of His promised land. Stand resolute in faith steadfast in the assurance that by His mighty hand, our sails will be set rightly, propelling us forward into the future He has ordained.
2. Reveal Your Presence: As we ask for God's face to shine upon us, we are seeking a tangible experience of His presence. This illuminating grace is a guiding light in our journey of faith, dispersing the shadows of doubt and despair. In His radiant countenance, we find assurance and peace, emboldening our steps as we walk in obedience to His holy will.
[Why do we need His presence to be revealed to us]
For Divine Empowerment: In the struggles we face, the manifest presence of God acts as a catalyst for supernatural empowerment. The scriptures declare in Zechariah 4:6, "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the LORD Almighty. It is the presence of God that equips us with strength beyond our natural capabilities, allowing us to overcome obstacles by the power of the Spirit rather than through our limited efforts. Like David before Goliath, it is His presence that transforms us into more than conquerors, emboldening us to face the giants in our lives with resolute faith. At the moment that David stood there before the giant, he did not know yet what exactly was going to happen, but he had the courage to stand there and not be cowering back in the camp like the rest of the army.
For Unwavering Guidance: The illuminated path of righteousness is only visible through the light of God's presence. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." In a world brimming with confusion and deception, we require the constant guidance that comes uniquely from His divine presence. It navigates us through the complexities of life, ensuring that we walk not by sight, but by faith, securely fastened to the truth that leads to eternal life. I don’t always know where He is leading me but in the best of my abilities, I try to stay faithful to the step He is asking me to take right now.
For Profound Transformation: The Apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that as we behold the glory of the Lord, we are transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory. God's manifest presence is the crucible in which our character is refined. It is in the encounters with the Holy where we shed the old and are adorned with the new, emerging as beacons of light reflecting the brilliance of Christ Himself. Our churches, communities, and this world hunger for a display of His glory through lives that are unmistakably altered by His touch.
3. Rescue Your People: "That we may be saved," is both an immediate plea and an eternal promise. We implore His mighty hand to work within our broken world, to save us from the pressing challenges we face. This petition calls us to a deeper trust, affirming that our Deliverer is ever-present and mighty to save. In every trial and tribulation, let us hold firmly to the hope that in the Lord, salvation is not just a distant dream but an unfolding reality and promise.
As the psalmist so earnestly sought the face of God, so must we position ourselves with intentionality and expectancy to receive the divine provision that only He can bestow upon us. It is paramount that we, as His people, steadfastly align ourselves with the divine order of His will, understanding that a move of God is precipitated by our fervent desire to be enveloped in His holy embrace. Shall we not, then, kneel before the throne of grace with dedicated hearts, open and ready to be filled with His Spirit? Like the parched earth yearning for rain, let us be ardent in our thirst for a touch from the Almighty. To witness the awakening and revival that our souls long for, we must not be passive observers but active participants in this spiritual renaissance. Surrendered to His will, humbled by His majesty, let us invite the Holy to do a new work within us, trusting that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us, and the heavens will pour forth the rain of revival that rejuvenates, restores, and redeems.
Let these prayer points fortify our faith as we lift our voices in unity, standing assured that He who has promised is faithful. Our cries are not in vain, for with God's restoration, revelation, and rescue, we shall rise – a church triumphant, a people set apart, a testament of His unceasing love and power.