The Breaking before the Blessing

As a church revitalizer and a leader for the church body, you must understand and arrive at the point of brokenness that will allow God to use and work through you so that you can be the most effective. It is this passion and desperation that will sustain you through the difficult times of church revitalization. It is a lonely and difficult task, but if you allow God to break you and change you, He will use you in amazing ways. Be honest with God. Allow Him to work in your life so that the church body can be reached and transformed.

There are few things more difficult than facing up to our brokenness. It is so much easier to ignore the cracks in our foundation, to try and sweep them under the rug and pretend they don't exist. But if we want to truly grow and mature as people, it is essential that we come to terms with our brokenness. This is what Jacob did when he wrestled with the Angel of God. He was broken physically, but also emotionally. And it was through this process that he was finally able to receive the blessing of God.

All leaders, like Jacob, must wrestle with God in order to receive his blessing. It is only through this process of breaking that we can truly be made whole. So if you are feeling broken right now, know that it is only a prelude to the blessing that is to come. Embrace the process and allow God to work in your life. You will be so much better for it in the end.

Jacob was alone with God. All distractions had been removed.

He was in a place of total vulnerability. And it was there that he received his blessing. In the same way, you must be alone with God so that He can work in your life unencumbered. This means setting aside time each day to be with Him in prayer and meditation. It means making space in your schedule to read His word and reflect on His will for your life. It means being honest with God about the areas in which you are struggling and asking for His help. When you are alone with God, He will speak to you. He will guide you. And He will bless you. So if you want to be an effective leader, make time to be alone with God. It is essential to your growth and development.

Jacob was hungry for God. He desperately wanted to receive what God had for him.

And so he wrestled with God until he finally received his blessing. In the same way, you must be hungry for God. You must desire Him above all else. When you are truly hungering and thirsting for God, He will satisfy that hunger. He will fill you with His presence. And you will be transformed by His power. So if you want to experience the transformational power of God, make sure you are hungering and thirsting for Him. Seek Him with all your heart, and you will find Him.

When we are broken and alone with God, He can begin to work in our lives in powerful ways. But it is only when we are also hungry for God that we will truly be transformed by His presence. So if you want to experience the fullness of what God has for you, make sure you are broken, alone with Him, and hungry for more.

It is only when we come to the end of ourselves that we can begin to understand the power of God. When we are willing to be broken and changed by Him, we will be used in ways we never could have imagined. So if you are feeling broken right now, know that it is only the beginning. God has so much more in store for you. Allow Him to work in your life, and you will be amazed at what He will do to satisfy your hunger.

Jacob was broken by God. He allowed God to break him and change him.

And as a result, he was able to receive the blessing of God. In the same way, you must be willing to be broken by God. You must allow Him to change you. It will be difficult and it will hurt. But if you allow God to break you, He will use you in amazing ways.

It is only when we come to the end of ourselves that we can begin to understand the power of God. When we are willing to be broken and changed by Him, we will be used in ways we never could have imagined. If you're having a bad day, realize that it's only the beginning. God has so much more in store for you. Allow Him to work in your life and you will be astonished at what He can accomplish with broken vessels.

Be encouraged, friends. God loves to use broken people. He is in the business of taking our brokenness and using it for His glory. So if you are feeling broken right now, know that you are in good company. And know that God can and will use you in amazing ways if you allow Him to.

So embrace your brokenness. And watch as God works in your life in powerful ways. He will take your brokenness and use it for His purposes. You'll profit from the experience in a variety of ways. You'll feel more confident, and you will be so much better for it.

Jacob was honest with God. He stopped pretending in order to let God work in his life.

In the same way, you must also be honest with God. You must tell Him the truth about your struggles and your fears. You must be open and honest with Him if you want His help. When you are honest with God, He will speak to you. He will guide you. And He will bless you. So if you want to experience the fullness of what God has for you, make sure you are honest with Him. Seek His help and guidance, and He will bless you abundantly.

The process of church revitalization is difficult and often thankless work. But if you allow God to break you and change you, He will use you in amazing ways. So be honest with God about your brokenness. Embrace the process and allow Him to work in your life. You will be so much better for it. Many times the breaking must come before the blessings. But when the blessings come, the waiting and wrestling will be worth the transformation that occurs. Allow God to break you so He can bless you. It is only in His presence that we are truly transformed. So if you want to experience the transformational power of God, make sure you are hungering and thirsting for Him. Seek Him with all your heart, and you will find Him. Allow Him to break you so He can bless you. And watch as He works in your life in powerful and amazing ways.

It is only when we come to the end of ourselves that we can begin to understand the power of God. When we are willing to be broken and changed by Him, we will be used in ways we never could have imagined. So, if you're presently broken, know that it's just the start of something greater. God has so much more in store for you. Allow him to impact your life, and you'll be astonished at what he can do to satisfy your appetite.

Adapted from John Maxwell bible. Jacob: Breaking before Blessing p.40


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