The Presence of Jesus
Have you ever observed how the mere presence of another individual can significantly influence our reactions in certain life situations? The proximity of a person has the power to evoke both the finest and the darkest aspects of our being. When we perceive a threat from others, our tendency is to withdraw into ourselves, as fear takes hold of our thoughts. However, parents and family members have the remarkable ability to infuse tranquility and serenity into circumstances that would otherwise rattle our self-assurance and sense of safety. They bring a sense of trust and affirmation.
The passage of Matthew 14:25-33 is a powerful testament to the profound and transformative impact of Jesus Christ's presence in our lives. From calming our deepest fears to validating our faith, His presence is a beacon of hope and strength. This passage elucidates five key aspects - the Problem, Proof, Permission, Power, and Praise of His Presence - all of which serve as a reminder that every encounter with Jesus is an invitation to trust Him more deeply and to praise Him more fully. As we delve into this passage, let's open our hearts to the striking revelations of His divine presence and the transformative power it brings.
The Problem of Jesus' Presence
The Unexpected Reality: Jesus' presence in our lives often comes unexpectedly, just as the disciples did not anticipate Him walking on the water. It can initially be jarring and challenging to comprehend, leading to disbelief or distress. However, it's important to remember that His presence is a gift to us, a testament to His power and love.
The Test of Faith: The disciples' initial fear upon seeing Jesus walking towards them on the water serves as a reminder of how His presence can test our faith. It challenges us to trust in His divine plans, even when circumstances seem impossible or terrifying. This test, while difficult, strengthens our faith and deepens our understanding of His power.
The Evolution of Perception: Initially, the disciples saw Jesus as a ghost, their fear clouding their perception. This reflects how fear can distort our understanding of Jesus' presence in our lives. As we learn to overcome our fears and embrace His presence, our perception evolves, enabling us to recognize His divine guidance and love in every situation.
The Proof of Jesus' Presence
The Assurance of His Voice: Verse 27 begins with Jesus reassuring His disciples, "Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid." This serves as proof of His presence, as His voice brings comfort and courage, replacing fear with faith. Even amidst storms, His voice echoes in our hearts, providing the assurance we need to persevere.
The Revelation of His Identity: "It is I," Jesus states in verse 27, revealing His divine identity to the disciples. This assertion strengthens their faith in Him and stands as proof of His presence. It's a reminder for us that in every circumstance, Jesus is present, and He is who He says He is – our Savior and Redeemer.
The Elimination of Fear: Jesus' words, "Don't be afraid," encapsulate His power to dissolve fear with His presence. This verse is a testament to the transformative power of His presence in our lives. As we anchor our trust in Him, the fear that once overwhelmed us is replaced with faith, indicating the tangible proof of His presence.
The Permission of Jesus' Presence
Invitation to Step Out: Jesus' call to Peter in verse 29, "Come," is an invitation to leave the confines of the boat - a metaphor for our comfort zones - and step out in faith towards Him. His presence not only permits but encourages us to take bold steps towards growth and transformation.
Assurance amidst Uncertainty: Jesus' presence provides the assurance that we are not alone, even when we step into unchartered territories. His permission gives us the courage and confidence to navigate through the uncertainties of life, reminding us that He will guide us every step of the way.
Faith over Fear: Peter walking on water at Jesus's command demonstrates that His presence permits us to overcome our fears and operate in faith. This act of faith on Peter's part, though it wavered, illuminates the transformative power of Jesus' presence, enabling us to do what seems impossible when we keep our focus on Him.
The Power of Jesus' Presence
The Lifeline in Desperation: Verse 30 begins with Peter becoming afraid as he notices the wind while walking on water, and he starts to sink. In his fear, he cries out "Lord, save me!" This reflects the power of Jesus' presence as our rescuer in times of desperation. Even when our faith wavers and we begin to sink under life's challenges, His presence is a lifeline that pulls us back up.
The Instantaneous Response: The text reveals that Immediately, Jesus reaches out His hand and catches Peter. This incident portrays the power of Jesus' presence as an instantaneous help in our times of need. He doesn't hesitate or delay; He responds instantaneously, reflecting His ever-ready assistance and love for us.
The Lesson in Faith: Following his rescue, Jesus asks Peter, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" This question underscores the power of Jesus' presence in fostering and strengthening our faith. His presence serves as a constant reminder that faith triumphs over doubt, inviting us to trust in Him more.
The Praise of Jesus' Presence
The Recognition of Divinity: In verse 33, the disciples declare, "Truly you are the Son of God" – an acknowledgment of Jesus's divine identity. This praise towards Jesus's presence reveals our own recognition of His divinity. As we encounter Jesus in our lives, we too, like the disciples, are led to a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of His divine nature.
The Response of Worship: The disciples' reaction to Jesus calming the storm was to worship Him. This reflects the spontaneous and heartfelt praise that should be our response to His presence in our lives. His divine interventions in our storms lead us to worship Him, further solidifying our relationship with Him.
The Reinforcement of Faith: The disciples’ worship and declaration of Jesus as the Son of God also affirm the strengthening of their faith. It underlines how His presence in our lives continually reinforces our faith. As we witness His power and love in our personal lives, our faith is strengthened, leading us to praise Him even more.
In conclusion, the presence of Jesus in our lives is a powerful force that transforms, empowers, and uplifts us. It tests and strengthens our faith, provides assurance in times of fear, grants permission for spiritual growth, and showcases divine power in moments of desperation. Above all, His presence leads us into a deeper recognition of His divinity, eliciting heartfelt worship and reinforcing our faith. In every aspect of our lives, the presence of Jesus serves as a testament to His unfailing love, unmatched power, and unwavering commitment to guide us through life's stormy seas. May we continue to seek His presence and be transformed by it, declaring with the disciples, "Truly you are the Son of God."
As we approach the Christmas season, we are reminded again of the promise and presence of Jesus in our lives. The birth of Christ was a divine manifestation of His presence, a confirmation of God's unbroken promise to humanity. This season is a time to reflect on our own experiences with Jesus's presence. Just as He came to the world in human form overcoming the barriers of divinity, His presence in our lives today overcomes fear, doubt, and uncertainty, replacing it with comfort, faith, and assurance. During this time of celebration and reflection, let His presence be the gift that keeps on giving - reminding us of His divine love, guiding us through our personal storms, and filling us with the courage to step out in faith. As we exchange gifts, sing carols, and share love this Christmas, let's remember that the greatest gift we've received is His presence in our lives and the promise that He is with us, today and always. "Truly He is the Son of God", not just the reason for the season, but our Savior and Redeemer all year round.