"This little light of mine"

Matthew 5:16 (NKJV) "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

Often small and rural churches need to be reminded that they are to be the light in their community regardless of how insignificant they may feel at times. When a church is plateauing or declining in attendance and in activity they can start to loss that excitement and brightness that they once expressed in their “glory days.”

Let us remember that we are to be a shining example of what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ. We must strive every day to make sure our words and actions reflect His character. That your church, regardless of size or stature, can still be a lighthouse on the hill for your context.

Have you ever taken a tour through a cave system? Many times, what the guide will do when they get you to the deepest and lowest part of the cave they will turn off all lights. The darkness that you suddenly experience is consuming and overwhelming. You can feel the heaviness and thickness of the complete absence of light. But in all that darkness, the slightest glimmer of even the faintest light of illumination will begin to push back the darkness. Declining churches can feel this heaviness of darkness in their church also if the light is not the prominent force within their congregation.

We, believers, are called to be a reflection of God's light and glory by demonstrating His love, mercy, and grace to the world around us. We are to share our faith with others through our words and actions. In the same way that light shines brightly in the darkness, believers should strive to be a beacon of hope and truth in their communities. By showing others what it means to truly follow Jesus, they can glorify God and bring Him glory.

The Bible tells us that we are “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). We are to live lives that reflect God's character and His holiness. Our lives should be a testimony of His goodness and love so that others can know Him and be vessels of that light too. As believers, we have the privilege and responsibility of letting our light shine before all people.

We can start by being intentional about our actions and words. We can choose to show kindness, patience, and understanding to those around us. We can be a beacon of love in a world full of darkness. Interestingly, darkness can only exist in the absence of light. if you are not a witness and shining God's light, then you are only being a shadow.

Jesus's arrival on Earth was impossible to ignore! claims of Darkness vanished instantly! Everywhere Jesus went, he courageously proclaimed God's truth, people were healed, and sinners found forgiveness. Once the Father introduce His Son to the world, everything changed. Does your community see the good in you? Does Christ's love shine through you to those around you? When we let God guide us, His light dispels the darkness. Live in Jesus's light and be a beacon of love to the world around you.

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine." Let us strive to live out our faith every single day so that we can glorify God with every action. Let your light shine brightly before all people! May God use you to bring Him glory and extend His kingdom within the community at your fingertips.

Be the light for someone that is in the deepest darkest cave today!


All Churches great and small, Now is the Time to Move!


The Risk of Pastoring Small and Rural Churches