Checking the Temperature of the Church you’re Leading

I don't know about you but for me, it is a challenge and a source of bragging rights each year for how long I can go before I turn on the heat in the Winter and how long before I turn on the A/C in the Summer. It's a way of being in control of something. I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to live but it brings me joy. So, if I can hold on till the end of October, I will feel I’ve won the battle and then I can flip on the heat. My family will tell you that I’m a thermostat control freak. But that's just me being in control of something. It brings me joy.

Now, let me ask you a question. Are you leading your church with the same passion and joy that comes from being in control? Controlling the temperature in our homes is one thing but leading the church is quite another. The church is not our personal pet project. It's not something we can micromanage and control. The church is God's work and He is the one in control.

So, how can we lead our churches with the same passion and joy that comes from being in control without losing control? By checking the temperature of the church. Just like I check the temperature of my family to see how they're responding to the temperature of our home, we need to check the temperature of our church to see how they're responding to the temperature of our leadership.

Are you too hot or too cold? Are you leading with an iron fist or are you being too lax? Check the temperature of your church and make adjustments accordingly. It's not about being in control. It's about leading with passion and joy. God is in control. You are just the thermostat.

So how do we lead the church in God's way? We start by being attuned to the Holy Spirit. We allow Him to take the lead in our lives and our churches. And when we do that, we will find ourselves being led in ways we never thought possible. We will be challenged and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

So, I encourage you to check the temperature of your church. How are you being led by the Holy Spirit? What is He saying to you? And then, follow His lead. It's the only way to ensure that people are not only comfortable but that they are also being transformed. After all, that's what the church is all about.

When you check the temperature of the church you're leading, you are making sure that you have not done something detrimental to the people living in it. You are humbly acknowledging that the culture you have intentionally created is having its desired effect, which is moving people closer and closer to Jesus. And you are also acknowledging that you are not the ultimate authority, and that like any other human, you might have made a mistake and created an environment that is having unintended consequences.

So how can you check the temperature inside of the environment you lead? I would suggest at least five ways:

1. Intentionally Listen.

Listening is probably the most important thing you can do to check the temperature of your environment. You need to be attuned to what people are saying, both verbally and non-verbally. How are they responding to you? What tone are they using? What words are they choosing? What body language are they conveying? All of these things will give you clues as to the temperature of your environment. Most of the time, people who sit in your environment are talking. Many times it’s the easiest thing in the world to become so convinced that you’re right, your decisions are valid, that you purposely choose not to listen to those who are speaking. But if you really want to know the temperature of the environment you’ve created, you’ve got to make sure your ears are open.

2. Closely Observe.

In addition to listening, you also need to observe. This is especially important if you have a large environment, such as a church or school. You can’t possibly listen to every conversation, so you need to look for other clues as to the temperature of your environment. Are people engaged? Are they participating? Or are they sitting on the sidelines, disconnected and disengaged? What is the body language saying? Are people crossing their arms or leaning away from you? These are all clues that will tell you the temperature of your environment.

Many times observation is an even more helpful method of checking the temperature than listening. That’s because people always communicate even when they’re not speaking. They communicate through their body language, their gestures, and even the indirect questions they ask. Watch; observe; take note; people will tell you what the temperature is even when they don’t tell you what the temperature is.

3. Ask questions.

If you want to know the temperature of your environment, ask questions. But don’t just ask people what they think; that’s too easy. Instead, ask them how they feel. How do they feel about the environment you’ve created? Do they feel comfortable? Do they feel like they can be themselves? Do they feel like they are being challenged? These are the types of questions that will give you the best insight into the temperature of your environment.

Often we do not ask enough questions. We can, verbally, ask the question. Why don’t we do this more?

I would suppose it’s because we already know what the answer is, and we don’t want to hear it. That’s because when we do, we have to react to what we suspect but are unwilling to admit to ourselves. This is a humbling thing; it means we may have to adjust the “perfect plan” we had in place, and it means we have to admit that we, too, make mistakes.

Asking questions is also a great way to get people talking. And when you get people talking, you’ll be able to glean even more information about the environment you’ve created. We should ask ourselves if we'd rather live in a fantasy or pursue a brighter future. We can discover someone we feel comfortable with, someone we know will tell us the truth, and who will ask us the question.

4. Take note of the reactions.

Another way to check the temperature of your environment is to take note of people’s reactions. How do they react when you make a decision? Do they agree with it? Do they disagree with it? Do they seem hesitant or uncertain? These are all clues that will help you understand the temperature of your environment.

Reactions can also help understand how people feel about you. Do they seem to respect you? Do they seem to look up to you? Or do they seem to view you with suspicion or mistrust? These are all important things to note because they will give you a good idea of how people view you and the environment you’ve created.

5. Be aware of your reactions.

Finally, it’s important to be aware of your reactions. How do you feel when you’re in the environment you’ve created? Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel like you can be yourself? Do you feel like you are being challenged? These are all important things to consider because your reactions will give you a good idea of the temperature of your environment.

The bottom line is this: if you want to know the temperature of your environment, you need to be attuned to what’s going on around you. You need to listen, observe, and ask questions. And you need to be aware of your reactions. If you do these things, you’ll have a good idea of the temperature of your environment.

Do you have a clear idea of the temperature of your environment? If not, now is the time to check the temperature of your environment. Use the tips above to help you; they will make it easier for you to understand what’s going on around you and how people are feeling. Once you have a clear idea of the temperature of your environment, you can make the necessary adjustments to ensure that it’s comfortable for everyone involved.

Don’t wait; check the temperature of your environment today. It’s important to ensure that your environment is conducive to learning, growth, and development for the furtherance of the Kingdom.


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