5 End-of-Life Signs of an Unhealthy Church

There are many signs to recognize when a church is dying and is at the end of life. No church starts off being unhealthy. There was a time at the beginning of the church when it was growing and thriving. Time starts to take its toll on the aging congregation and things start to slip to the side with less importance than they once did. These are only 5 of the most common end-of-life signs of an unhealthy church.

  1. Lack of evangelism. If a church is not focused on evangelism, it will eventually die. A lack of evangelism indicates a lack of concern for lost people and a lack of passion for the Great Commission. At one time there was a concerted effort to evangelize and desire to see lost souls brought into the Kingdom but that has dwindled or stopped completely. A church without evangelism will not only die, but it will take the Gospel with it. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16) and when a church stops sharing it, people are not hearing the good news of Jesus Christ and His offer of forgiveness and eternal life. A church without passion is a dead church. A church that has lost its fire will not last. A church that does not have a burning desire to reach the lost and make disciples will eventually die. When a church loses its passion, it loses its power.

  2. Little community outreach. A church that is focused on itself will not last. A church that is all about meeting its own needs and fulfilling its desires will not thrive. A church that is inwardly focused will eventually implode. The reason is that a healthy church is focused on others, not itself. A healthy church is outwardly focused and is more concerned with meeting the needs of others and fulfilling the Great Commission. When a church becomes inwardly focused, it will begin to die.

  3. A lack of discipleship. A church that is not focused on making disciples will not last. A lack of discipleship indicates a lack of concern for spiritual growth and maturity. When a church stops making disciples, it stops growing. Discipleship is about more than just teaching the Bible, it is about helping people grow in their relationship with Christ. It is about helping people to become more like Christ in their thoughts, words, and deeds. When a church stops discipleship, it becomes stagnant and will eventually die. A church that does not invest in the spiritual growth of its people will eventually die. A church that does not teach its people how to follow Christ and live for Him will not thrive. A discipleship vacuum will eventually kill a church. A church that is not focused on spiritual growth will not last. A lack of spiritual growth indicates a lack of concern for personal sanctification and holiness. When a church stops growing spiritually, it stops maturing. A church that does not challenge its people to grow in their relationship with Christ will eventually die. A church that does not provide opportunities for its people to grow will not thrive. A church that does not invest in the spiritual growth of its people will eventually die.

  4. Unhealthy leadership and/or governance. When you have leaders that think that it is "their house, their rules," is a sure sign of unhealthy leadership. When there is no accountablity or there is push back on the thought of being accountable to anyone. A church that cares most about its reputation will often mislead the congregation to protect its image. A church that cares most about finances will get very angry if someone threatens their ability to acquire funds or if you question expenditures. Unhealthy church leaders rarely interact with any former staff, and they seek to erase and transfer any remaining influence that former staff has at the church. Those who leave healthy church staff want to continue those relationships and feel that they can. In an unhealthy church, the staff is not valued as a family but more like cogs in a wheel that can be easily replaced.

  5. Division and strife within the congregation. People often behave with self-centeredness, ego, and pride. When you feel that life is about you, you take things personally. Self-centeredness causes one to experience hurt feelings easily. Mature people learn to disagree without being distressed. Mature people are self-aware and seek to improve their weaknesses. Immature individuals have not learned to avoid disputes over a person’s personality or style. Factions in the church may intentionally or unintentionally engage in political maneuvering and posturing that leads to conflict. When personal conflicts are not resolved, they can lead to factions and division within the church. Unhealthy churches are often controlled by a small group of people who make all the decisions. The majority of the congregation is not involved in the decision-making process and may feel powerless. This can lead to frustration and resentment which can cause division and strife.

The church that is in this type of death rattle does not have to die. There is a response that can be taken to try to stop the death spiral, and that is take up the first things again. Start doing the first works again. It may not stop the church from dying but you can say that you gave it a try. God still brings life back from death, your church could be the next.


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