Dealing with Church Bosses

The hardest thing for a pastor that is stepping into a revitalization effort is to deal with the church boss. Church bosses see themselves at the top of the food chain of that particular church. Churches all across the world have the problem of church bosses that try to dictate and control everything in and around the church. They use tactics like trying to diminish the confidence in your abilities and decisions concerning the church. They will work to tear down the unity in the church in any way possible to get people to side with their position. For them, the preferred mode of operation is to micro-manage everything down to the smallest details. Church bosses never, if ever, praise the work of anyone else other than themselves. They often feel threatened by the accomplishments of others. They express their manipulative behavior when they try to make you feel inadequate or undeserving of their praise for anything done well.

In these tough situations, it is the pastor's job to deal with and navigate around and sometimes against disagreeable members. Consider some of the following suggestions for dealing with such power players in the local church.

Dealing with church bosses who are demanding and hard to please.

This is because they try to undermine any authority that you have as the pastor. They will try to influence all of the decisions in an autocratic way. This type of behavior among church bosses creates a lot of tension and conflict among the church members. It is important to learn how to deal with these types of demanding and hard to please members of the church.

The first thing that you need to do is to understand the motives of the church boss.

Many times, the church boss is demanding and hard to please because they have a hidden agenda. They have probably been in the church for decades, and see themselves as vested leaders because of tenure and have welded many years of strategic positioning and politics to get there. They may be trying to control the church for their gain or position within the church. Or, they may be trying to further their career within the church. Once you understand the motives of the church boss, you will be able to deal with them more effectively.

You need to be setting boundaries with the church boss.

You need to be clear about what you will and will not tolerate from them. You need to establish the fact that your decisions for the church will be biblically based and Holy Spirit directed. If they start to cross the line, then you need to be willing to confront them. You also need to be willing to take action if necessary.

The final thing that you need to do is to keep a positive attitude.

It can be difficult to deal with demanding and hard to please church bosses. But, if you keep a positive attitude, it will help you to stay focused on your goals. It will also help you to maintain your composure when dealing with the church boss. Dealing with church bosses can be a challenging task. But, if you understand their motives and set boundaries, you will be able to deal with them more effectively.

What to do when you don't agree with their decisions or methods.

A church boss can be very manipulative to everyone around them. If you find yourself disagreeing with someone who is acting as a church boss, it can be a difficult situation. If you speak up, you might feel as if you are demanding or uncooperative, but it is critical to remember that you have a right to express your view, especially if it is a moral or ethical decision.

If you are feeling pressured by a church boss, try to have a conversation with them about your concerns. It is important to be respectful and calm when discussing your disagreement. If the church leader does not want to hear your thoughts, you may need to think about whether or not you wish to continue working with them. There does come a time that there is no working with them but that has to be a last resort.

Don't let a church boss control you or make you feel guilty for speaking your mind. They like to blame others for things that have gone wrong and why the church is in a state of decline. The blame game is a popular tool for church bosses. Don't get caught in the trap of pointing fingers. It can and will have costly consequences for everyone in the church.

Staying calm and professional when tensions are high.

It is essential when dealing with church bosses, to stay calm and not let the temptation of temper get in the way. By remaining calm, you can avoid escalating the situation and better communicate your concerns. If you find yourself in a difficult situation with a church boss, try to remember these tips to help resolve the situation.

- Talk to the person about your concerns calmly and respectfully.

- Don't let them control you or make you feel guilty.

- Remember you are the leader, you have a right to express your opinion.

By following these tips, you can hopefully resolve the situation calmly and professionally. When They see that your emotions are getting the best of you, they are empowered even further. They are like a shark smelling blood in the water and go into attack mode. Firm but respectful dialog is the only way to have conversations with bosses in the church. Intimidation is a tactic of the enemy.

Build a good relationship with your church boss, even if you don't always see eye-to-eye.

It is important to build a good relationship with your church boss, even if you don't always see eye-to-eye. By building a good relationship, you will be more likely to be able to resolve disagreements.

When communicating with this member, it is important to be respectful and calm. If you find yourself in a disagreement, try to have a calm discussion about your concerns. Remember, you have a right to express your opinion and stand up for what you believe. Take the person to lunch or have coffee somewhere where they are out of their element, a place of neutrality. Start spending intentional time with them working to build relationships rather than building even higher walls.

If you can build a good relationship with them, it will be easier to deal with them, even when you don't agree. Dealing with dominating members can be a challenging task. But, if you understand their motives and set boundaries, you will be able to deal with them more effectively.

Praying for the church boss.

One of the most important things you can do when dealing with a church boss is to pray for them. You must remember that they are first a living soul that God loves and therefore you are commanded to love. Ask God to transform them through the Holy Spirit. Praying for them will help you to stay focused on your goals and maintain your composure. Even better, pray with them. Prayer produces comradery.

By praying for and with them, you are asking God to change their heart and motivate them to act in a way that is pleasing to Him. Praying for the church boss will help you to see them in a different light and hopefully help you to resolve your differences. Many times the person asserting themselves in such ways is because they too love the church but may be misguided on how to express it and in using that love.

When dealing with a church boss, it is important to remember that you are not alone. God is always with you and He knows what you are going through. Praying for the church boss is a way to stay focused on your goals and maintain your composure.

Key takeaways:

- Try to have a calm discussion with the member about your concerns

- Don't let them control you or make you feel guilty

- Remember that you have a right to express your opinion

- Pray for them, asking God to transform them through the Holy Spirit.

This article was written to help you understand church bosses and how to deal with them effectively. Church bosses are often manipulative and can be difficult to work with. If you are respectful and calm when communicating with the member, you will be more likely to resolve disagreements. Moreover, if you build a good relationship with them, it will be easier to deal with them, even when you don't agree. Dealing with church bosses can be a challenging task, but if you understand their motives and set boundaries, you will be able to deal with them more effectively and advance the Kingdom further.


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