I am Not Ashamed

The church that is need of revitalizing needs to have the heart and determination of Paul. He had the desire to see fruit in the Roman church regardless of the cost. But he was not ashamed of the gospel message, even if it cost him his life. He was willing to risk everything for the sake of the gospel because he knew that it was the power of God that could save anyone who believes. The gospel is just as powerful today as it was in Paul's time, and we should never be ashamed to share it with others. What would happen in our churches and communities if we too had such tenacity.

To be ashamed of something means that we try to distance ourselves as far as possible, but this was not the case for Paul. On the contrary, he was not afraid to preach the gospel in Rome—the very heart of the Roman Empire.

Some people might be ashamed of the gospel because they think it is foolishness, but Paul says that it is actually the power of God. The gospel has the power to save those who believe in it, and that is why Paul was not ashamed of it.

We should never be ashamed of the gospel because it is the good news that God has given us. It is the best news anyone could ever hear, and we should be eager to share it with others. The gospel has the power to change lives, and change the lives of our churches, and we should never be afraid to proclaim it.

Paul understood that the gospel of Jesus Christ had the power to save a lost person from the clutches of death to position the saved person in the righteousness of God. He knew that the gospel was the only thing that could change a person's heart and transform their life. This is why he was not ashamed of it, even if it cost him his life.

The gospel message is still just as powerful today as it was in Paul's time. It has the power to save anyone who believes in it, and we should never be ashamed to share it with others. The gospel is the good news of what God has done for us, and we should be eager to proclaim it to the world. Let us never be ashamed of the gospel, but let us always be ready to share it with others and to be faithful witnesses. Many churches find themselves in trouble of decline because they have deviated from not the gospel message, but the proclaimation or witnessing of it to lost people.

The word witness is interesting since it denotes something that we are and something we do. One who sees or experiences something is a witness, and one who tells about that is witnessing. It is clear that all who see or experience something are witnesses and it is also clear that not all witnesses are witnessing. If you are a Christian, you are a witness. How good and faithful of a witness are you?

All Christians are witnesses, whether they realize it or not. We are all witnessing by our very lives. People see how we live and either glorify or blaspheme the name of Christ based on what they see. This is why it is so important for us to be living according to the gospel. We want people to see the power of the gospel at work in our lives and be drawn to Christ as a result. This is how the life of a church is continually renewed and refreshed.

But we cannot stop there. We must also be ready to tell people about what we have seen and experienced. We must be witnesses in the literal sense of the word, sharing the gospel with others. This can be a difficult thing to do, but it is so important. We need to be ready to share the good news of the gospel with anyone who will listen.

Are you a witness? Are you living according to the gospel so that people might see Christ in you? And are you also sharing the gospel with others, telling them about the wonderful things God has done for you? Let us all strive to be faithful witnesses in both senses of the word. Witnesses are not only those who see or experience something but also those who tell about it.

If you are a Christian, you are a witness. How good and faithful of a witness are you?

Are you living according to the gospel so that people might see Christ in you?

And are you also sharing the gospel with others, telling them about the wonderful things God has done for you?

Let us all strive to be faithful witnesses in both senses of the word.


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