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Getting Others to Invest into the Kingdom
Investment into the Kingdom is essential for Kingdom advancement. Everyomne needs to be contributing to the work of the Kingdom.
I am Not Ashamed
Paul had the desire to see fruit in the Roman church regardless of the cost. But he was not ashamed of the gospel message, even if it cost him his life. He was willing to risk everything for the sake of the gospel because he knew that it was the power of God that could save anyone who believes. The gospel is just as powerful today as it was in Paul's time, and we should never be ashamed to share it with others.
What Your Church Sows It Will Reap
Apples come from apple seeds and tomatoes come from tomato seeds. The same is true for the church, what you sow, you will harvest. If you do not plant then nothing will grow.
Being Established - Has Your Church Stopped Talking to God?
We can not stop talking to God because then all meaningful communication stops. Our churches, more than ever need to reestablish that line of communication.
Whose kingdom are we building?
Many times we can start off strong but distractions of life can throw us off our original intents regardless of how honorable and noble as they may have been.